Cloudy with a Chance of Blessings

mardi 25 novembre 2014

  • Cloudy with a Chance of Blessings



    If you’ve followed our blog for any length of time you know we can be a bit of “weather braggers” always talking about our fabulous weather and our year round boating…well not so much lately. Last weekend was a bust with strong winds and rain not to worry the hubby is off Monday and Tuesday we thought surely will boat one of those days…uh no again weather interruptions. I set out committed to blogging fifty-two weeks this year so this may not be the most informative but it’s what’s on our minds.

    When we don’t get to go boating it’s kinda a bummer for us so in this season of thankfulness we’ve done a little reflecting. We are blessed people we all have jobs, a modest but comfortable home, we’ve enjoyed good health this year and we have the opportunity and means to do a hobby we love boating. Then it hit us what if we decided to pay it forward even if it was just once a sort of Thanksgiving tradition to take the funds we would have spent for a weekends boating pleasure and give it away. It could be in the form of cash to a needy stranger or person you know. Another option could be a donation to your favorite charity or church fund.

    We have chosen to add to our purchase for the ‘Toys for Tots Tour “we are participating in December 5th and 6th. If you haven’t ever done a boating charity event you might want to join us. It’s a fun time for everyone and nothing feels better as we enter the holidays than to give back when we are such fortunate and blessed people. If you would like more information you can email the hubby .

    We hope you get to take another adventure in boating soon and if you don’t you’ll consider paying it forward to help others and celebrate with thanks for all your good boating days.


Cloudy with a Chance of Blessings

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