FCC approves sweeping Internet regulation plan, Obama accused of meddling

jeudi 26 février 2015

Well, we are all familiar with the "Midas Touch".... IMO, Obama has what I call the "Charmin Touch" as everything he touches turns into shit!

FCC approves sweeping Internet regulation plan, Obama accused of meddling | Fox News


Republican Commissioner Ajit Pai, who delivered some of the most scathing criticism of the plan Thursday, warned the policy represents a "monumental shift" to "government control of the Internet."

Further, he accused the FCC of bending to the will of Obama, who last fall came out in favor of such a sweeping regulatory plan.

Pai said the FCC was reversing course from past positions for one reason: "President Obama told us to do so."

And why do you suppose Obama told them to do so? Because his Master Puppeteer paid for it and demanded it...

Soros, Ford Foundations ‘Lavish’ $196 Million to Push Internet Regulations - See more at: Soros, Ford Foundations ‘Lavish’ $196 Million to Push Internet Regulations


The left calls the debate “net neutrality,” the idea that all data should be transmitted equally by Internet service providers (ISPs). Critics like founder and Chairman Emeritus of MIT's Media Lab Nicholas Negroponte argue that net neutrality “doesn't make sense” because “the truth is, not all bits [of data] are created equal.” The Ford Foundation, which claims to be the second-largest private foundation in the U.S., and Open Society Foundations, founded by far-left billionaire George Soros, have given more than $196 million to pro-net neutrality groups between 2000 and 2013. - See more at: Soros, Ford Foundations ‘Lavish’ $196 Million to Push Internet Regulations

This is just what we needed.:duh:

FCC approves sweeping Internet regulation plan, Obama accused of meddling

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