Other Warning Fellow boaters Please Watch Out for this guy

vendredi 27 février 2015

There is a guy by the name of Herbert Hoegemeier pursuing the want ads on the boat sites. I had a want ad for some nice headers for my BBC and he saw my ad called my on the phone and said he had some real nice chrome Bassett headers for 300.00 dollars , sent awesome pictures. Then he said he has a real nice motor mount kit in chrome for BBC for 200.00 ,so I said sure once again awesome pictures and we agreed on 100.00 total shipping from Missouri to Az. He asked me to go to the local Walmart and send him the $600.00 to his Walmart money card . I did so as he asked back on 1/22/15. It took him 3 weeks and all he sent me was some totally crappy rusted out ceramic coated headers, no engine mounts and no response ! His info. is Herbert Hoegemeier Missouri phone number 314 - 358- 5260 Walmart acc. # 11888701495352479 he is bad news and a burn artist. Please spread the word to prevent other fellow boaters from being burned. I don't know what his ID name he uses on the boaters website? Maybe somebody knows this dirt Bag ! Sincerely Wally

Other Warning Fellow boaters Please Watch Out for this guy

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