Would you paint or re-gel this boat? Pics inside...

dimanche 22 février 2015

Hello all,

I've done a search on the this sub forum and found this has been talked about before, but nothing very recently. And given how fast technology and materials change, I thought I'd ask again.

I'm looking at buying a 26' Caribbean daycruiser. I've been trying to find one with a white hull but they're few and far between. Heck, these boats in general are few and far between! So I've found one with a cream colored hull, see just below for picture. I'm not a fan of the hull color, or the other colors, so I'm looking at doing something like the second picture down. Maybe black instead of brown, but for sure I want white on the hull. This would include the top of the bow, and the cabin, and the area above the gunnel (top half of the boat).

I know a lot of people are painting these days, but I'm really concerned about the strength and durability of paint. From what I've read, gel is stronger but much more labor intensive to color sand and polish. I've read that prep is about the same. If anybody is willing to venture a guess on cost for either, I'd appreciate that too. I'm also trying to determine whether it's better to hold out for a white hull boat, or painting really is a viable option.

Here's the kind of duty this day cruiser will see: About 10 different outings to the ocean throughout the year (boat parades, random days cruising the harbor), and about five 4-10 day trips to Havasu, Bass Lake, River, etc.


This is the boat I'm looking at...

This is the look I'm going for with the white hull...

Would you paint or re-gel this boat? Pics inside...

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