A Beautiful Day of Blunders

mercredi 5 novembre 2014

A Beautiful Day of Blunders



Brrr! It was a chilly day of boating this past Sunday but a little chill in the air can’t keep us off the water. We took the boat in tow to church and then headed straight out to the lake full of anticipation for a relaxing day of boating. Boating is our family time at time to leave all our cares and just take in all the beautiful sunshine and scenery. The boat was put in the water and she was idling at the dock we untied the ropes and…the engine died. Then it didn’t want to start not a very good beginning to our day of boating. The hubby tinkered with the engine (for forty five minutes) and then got us up and running. Something to do with a valve and gas in the cylinder but it all worked out fine.

The air was chilly, chillier than I thought it was going to be, but the skies were blue and beautiful postcard perfect. We ran across the lake then through the Dora Canal watching the birds shiver as they dry their wings. I have to admit it was a bit cold in the shade with the wind blowing but it never gets old seeing all the beautiful nature around you. We hit Lake Eustis and headed over to our favorite eating spot confident that our trouble was behind us. After we docked up we headed in and sat at our favorite table by the window and we sat and sat and sat. Hmmm, seems there was a problem with their computers which seemed to render them helpless. After waiting twenty five minutes without any attention we decided to move on determined to not let another blunder mess up our day.

Off we headed to another eating establishment which has the best burgers on the water (so far). Once again we got docked up and found a lovely outdoor table in the sun waitress took our drink order and…never came back? Fifteen minutes later I ventured inside and asked if I ordered inside or out? I won’t go into details but I was firmly answered by the owner to be patient? Let me just say if I owned a restaurant and there were only two tables dining there on a Sunday afternoon I’d greet them with a smile, balloons and maybe a pony for the kid. I was 0 for two so we stayed to eat lunch I wasn’t willing to risk a third restaurant rejection a families gotta eat. The waitress did admit that she forgot to come back. We eventually ended up with our yummy burgers despite blunder number three. Hospitality is hard to find these days.

We did meet a nice boating family there who told us about a gem of a restaurant across the lake up Haines Creek and we’ll soon be checking it out and report back.

Even though we had a day of “blunders” engine trouble, no service, mean service we did eventually get lunch, meet some nice people and enjoy the great weather.

I hope your next adventure in boating is “blunder free” but if not remember there’s no such thing as a bad day of boating. Boating = happiness, at least for the Bekemeyer’s.

A Beautiful Day of Blunders

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