DMV extends office hours for first-time driver’s license applicants

jeudi 13 novembre 2014

So, they didnt follow the law coming to this country but our illustrious leaders think they are going to follow the law and get auto insurance.

DMV extends office hours for first-time driver’s license applicants

Anticipating a rush of new applicants as a law allowing undocumented immigrants to get driver’s licenses goes into effect, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced Wednesday it is extending its office hours at some locations and making more appointments available for those applying for a license for the first time.

Under Assembly Bill 60, which was signed into law in 2013, those who cannot prove they are legally in the United States would still be allowed to obtain a California driver’s license, starting in January.

Such applicants must “meet all other qualifications for licensure and must provide satisfactory proof of identity and California residency,” the DMV website reads.

Some requirements include passing vision tests, driver’s license knowledge tests and behind-the-wheel driving tests, according to the DMV.

“Our commitment is to successfully implement this law to increase safety on California roads and protect the high level of security in our licensing and identity verification process,” DMV Director Jean Shiomoto said in a statement.

“Californians planning to apply for a new driver license under AB 60 should study for their exams and gather the required documents for proving identity and residency.”

The DMV will offer extended Saturday hours, by appointment, for new driver’s license applicants at up to 60 field offices across the state, starting Jan. 3, according to a news release issued Wednesday.

The Newhall field office is not among them.

New license applicants will also be able to schedule appointments at the DMV up to 90 days in advance, as opposed to the current 45-day window, DMV officials said.

The extended hours and additional appointment windows are open to anyone who is seeking his or her first California driver’s license, DMV officials said, though it is anticipated that the DMV will process approximately 1.4 million additional driver’s license applications during the first three years after AB 60 is implemented.

“(The) DMV is committed to providing excellent customer service to all Californians,” said Shiomoto in a statement Wednesday.

“Customers with appointments have much shorter wait times, and now all customers seeking new driver licenses will have extra appointment opportunities.”

Assembly Bill 60 was a divisive measure when it moved through the state Legislature. In interviews after the bill was passed, Assemblyman Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, said he was “adamantly opposed” to the measure, adding it could lead to further concessions for those who are in the country illegally.

Assemblyman Steve Fox, D-Palmdale, who voted in favor of the bill, said it “will improve safety for everyone.”

Fox was voted out of office earlier this month.

DMV extends office hours for first-time driver’s license applicants

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