My world

mardi 18 novembre 2014

Cold and flu season is upon us. And while it is good personal hygiene to irrigate your nostrils and sinuses to remove mucus, nasal debris and germs, it is NOT good public health and hygiene to do this at work in the sinks that are used by all team members. This is one of the habits which should be confined to your own personal living space and others should not have to face the detritus from this practice in the sink where they wash their hands.

Facilities endeavors to keep the bathrooms in acceptable shape by cleaning them twice a day, but the health of the whole team depends on your help in refraining from practices such as the above, wiping down the sinks after using them, throwing the paper towels into the waste bin and not on the floor, and endeavoring to keep the floor as dry and clean as possible.

Thank you for remembering that you share these bathrooms with your team and they are entitled to as clean a facility as is possible for all our health.

Welcome to my world of working for a multinational company. (:)eek(:)

My world

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