Obamacare. Not working for us

mercredi 19 novembre 2014

Got my wife on Covered Ca./ Blue Shield after Kaiser canceled us. Costs way more than my cell phone. Nov. 7 she fell and broke both bones in her left leg and her big toe. Went to Blythe ER, splinted it, sent her home. Went to Primary doc on Monday and got referred to orthopedic surgeon in Palm Springs. Most of the ortho docs on Blue Shields network will not accept Cov. Ca. The ones that will do the surgery at Eisnenhower Med. Center. Guess what. Eisenhower does not accept Cov. Ca./ Blue Shield. As is turns out neither does Desert Hospital or JFK hospital. So, here we are on day 12. We don't have an ortho doc or a hospital that will take her. We are going to try Riverside General thurs. No guarantees and it's 200 miles away

Obamacare. Not working for us

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