stefs oil pans- steel vs. alum.

dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Looking into buying a new stefs pan for bbc, 14 qt., snout driven v-drive, wet sump, circle race application. I am curious to learn if there is any significant differences (other than weight/material, the obvious) between their marine steel pans vs. alum. offerings. It seems to me they would be identical but who knows? I've been to their website and see the list of options etc. Generally speaking it seems to me the road race style mods. would prolly fit the circle boat application best since there is so much varied movement as opposed to a circle track style set up. What other option should be included or considered prior to purchase? is a solid windage tray better/worse than their screen type? In their 14qt. it appears the standard application is a solid tray on the bottom ( i assume to keep splash off crank etc.) with the screen wrapping up the large kickout side, I assume to dissipate rotational windage, catch cast off oil etc. Does the solid tray inhibit oil return to the sump? Would a directional type screen be better? maybe punch some louvers into the tray? How about main cap dividers, piston skirt oilers or anything else to consider. I consider the pan quality to be one of the more important aspects of a highly functional oil system and want to make the best choice possible for the application. If I can manage to take advantage of a price deal opportunity and save a couple dollars at the same time without compromising on system quality that would be nice. Thanks in advance for any advice you may have to offer.


stefs oil pans- steel vs. alum.

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