Looking for setup advice with a Hallett 270 straight bottom

samedi 24 janvier 2015

I'm looking for some advice on fine tuning the setup on my 270 OB straight bottom.

The current setup is a -2 1.50 SC lower, Maximus 28p 15-1/4" less diffuser and horizontal 380s. There is no step or pad and the center strakes stop 9' from the transom and it has a 120g belly tank.

It is an all around great boat. Super easy to drive and extremely stable up to top speed.

But like everybody else I'm looking for more out of it on top.

It has always run pretty wet and feels like it doesn't carry the nose as much as I think it should. The other thing is that with most props I've tried, trim doesn't really have much affect at speed.

So here are some ideas I've been thinking of. Please add comment or advice to any of these ideas.

1. I've tried a lot of props and last year I started running a Maximus 28p 15-1/4" with no diffuser. Before this, I was running a Maximus 30p 15" labbed with no diffuser. The 15-1/4" feels like it gives more bow lift and I can use trim more at speed.

2. Would there be any gain with a -3" lower? Not sure if this would help carry the bow more. I've tried adding a 1" spacer but it didn't do anything that I could tell, sol I removed it.

3. Another idea I've been considering is an Imco neutral box. My understanding about this is that the neutral box would drop the X 2". So this would put my drive 2" lower than it is now. Maybe a combo of the -3" lower with the box is what I would need. I'm not sure how this would affect performance. My take on the boxes is that they move the CG back and basically make the boat act larger.

4. My last idea is to extend the center strakes. Like I mentioned above, my center strakes end 9' from the transom. When I asked Hallett about it, they said that they designed it to be very solid and stable. I've seen several other straight bottoms that have the center strakes running all the way to the transom. I'd like to make a template of the strakes and have some plastic pieces made up to test how this will affect the performance. I'd probably split the difference and extend them 4.6'. If it's a big improvement, I'd glass them in.

That's pretty much it. At the end of the day this is a family cruiser that runs pretty good so I need to be realistic. If there is anything I missed, please leave a comment.

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Looking for setup advice with a Hallett 270 straight bottom

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