The Doomsday Clock moves closer to midnight

vendredi 23 janvier 2015

While considering all of the turmoil in the world is it any wonder that The Doomsday Clock moves closer to midnight. As we focus on trivial matters such as race based issues and "WHO SHOT WHO", Obama meets with you tube interviewers to escalate race tensions, Iran is preparing to wipe us off of the map and have been doing so for years...... TICK TOCK!


(CNN) 1/23/15 ? The world is closer to doomsday. That's the message from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists who use the countdown to midnight to convey threats to humanity and the planet.

The organization moved it's iconic Doomsday Clock up two minutes on Thursday as a result of what it calls unchecked climate change and a worldwide nuclear arms race.

The clock now stands at three minutes to midnight, that's the closest to midnight it has been since 1984, during the Cold War.

Report: Iran Has Ballistic Missile That Poses Threat to United States Posted 1/23/15

Now how do you suppose this new IBM is going to assist Iran with their PEACEFUL energy & medical developments? Do you suppose this missile is a new technique to transport the enriched uranium to their power plants and hospitals? Surely, as we allowed Iran to continue enriching uranium at record paces they would NEVER attempt to use their newly developed nuclear power as an offensive weapon against the U.S. and/or Israel? :rolleyes


The Doomsday Clock moves closer to midnight

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