Flywheel and damper advise

mercredi 11 février 2015

So my 468 after 3 boats and 20 years has thrown in the towel. Going with a Scat 1/4" stroke rotating assembly, block is good.

My Fluidamper and flywheel are toast.

Damper was 8" and not sure which one to go with, choices are 6, 7 and 8"...using an Ati Super.

Flywheel is steel and externally balanced, new deal is internal and choices are steel or aluminum.

The old saying, you can screw up a hundred times but getting it right is a small window.

Lightweight runner with 15 gears, i kind of understand the whole burn the prop etc.

You guy's that have been there, done that are what i'm looking for.


Flywheel and damper advise

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