Obama "Once Again" Definds his Core Religion

dimanche 1 février 2015

President Barack Obama: This is not a “religious war”
(CNN) – President Barack Obama once again refused to label the fight against terrorism as a war on radical Islam or any kind of “religious war,” insisting that such labels hurt efforts to root out radical ideologies in Muslim communities.

Obama also cautioned against the risk of overplaying the threat of terror groups and said the U.S. should instead align itself with the overwhelming majority of Muslims who reject the radical ideology and tactics of terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda.

WHY? Because labeling this as a "religious war" offends his god and attacks his life long religious beliefs.

Liberals and Obama supporters can continue to deny and dance around his overwhelming and passionate support for the Muslim communities and his misleading and false representations as reported above, but for the life of me, I can not comprehend how anyone with an IQ over 85 and who possess any degree of observation skills can deny the obvious conclusion: BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS MUSLIM TO THE CORE and is selling out our Nation to support the Islamic agenda of world domination!

"Oh, but what about the successful drone attacks Obama continues to order?, explain that!"
, screams the mighty Liberals? :)sphss

I for one believe his numerous drone attacks are based upon his personal religious principles and objectives. The individuals he targets and kills are giving Muslims a "bad name" and are placing Islam in a "Bad SPOT Light". Therefore Obama has no problem killing these individuals and why not?.....it is a "win win" scenario for Hussein Obama. He gets to "take out" those rouge Muslims who he believes should be sentenced to death for tarnishing Islamic teachings and he receives accolades from his "mind numbed" supporters who willingly "turn their heads" to his obvious Islamic objectives which are clocked by his "demonized" charismatic personality..... and "to top it all off", Obama's Lame Stream Media Stands UP and APPLAUDS as they spew, "We Love You Barrack!".

IMHO, Liberals have demonstrated they HATE conservatives to the destructive degree that they will accept and support anything and/or anyone who MAY pose any opposition to the conservative movement. Bottom Line: LIBERALS SOLD OUT THE NATION, TO KEEP CONSERVATIVES OUT. Kind of like "cutting off their noses in-spite of their own faces"....... But, as our Nation swirls down the drain....it makes them feel good as they believe they have accomplished something good...

Call me a southern red-neck loon if you like, but to those of you who foolishly believe Hussein's claims that he has denounced his Muslim faith and embraces Christianity.........Sorry Charlie, he is unable to hide what is in his heart, his continued Muslim support and Islamic behavior SCREAMS much louder than his fabricated Christian persona and there is not a damn thing you can do to change that.

May God Help Us and continue to provide opportunities for a New Direction!

MYReality IS OVER ;)

Obama "Once Again" Definds his Core Religion

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