19' Sunkisst tunnel any issues over 100 mph? 480 lb hull

jeudi 30 octobre 2014

I see some hints here on my hull on the jet boat speed question. For anyone that didn't see the other thread I bought the boat and it runs solid 85 mph. Heck jet ski's outrun that. I am building a turbo engine and want to go 110 mph. Would someone with some experience driving the 19" tunnel hull Sunkisst please chime in. I did some research on the hull before buying the boat. I know these hulls were built in all different weights and the lighter the more the issue. Ricky weighed the hull at rebuild and it is 480 pounds. I saw some were built as light as low 300's. I did a search and read for weeks before buying this boat. There is a guy close buy that has a big blown motor that runs well past 100. There is one on this site that runs 118 and Ricky has been 100 with his 555 in mine. There are some other fast ones I ran across. The only thing I have found is that they can get ugly if the engine stops. I fly aerobatic airplanes that have the glide ratio of a brick. They can get ugly if the engine stops also. I understand going fast in anything can be dangerous. This is my first jet boat but I have had really fast stuff all my life so kinda got a feel for speed. I spoke to a couple of hardcore guys about putting some power in this boat before I bought it. I am not trying to go 140, maybe 100 or 110 on smooth water. Safety is my main concern so if you guys know of any issues that are really issues with this hull let me know. I can understand it can get stupid if the engine stops or you slow down way to fast. I have made about 10 mid 80 mph runs and it slows down perfect each time, not squirrely at all. I want to hear from someone who has real life experience with these hulls. I do not want to hear from someone that was told by his neighbors uncles nephew that knew someone that had one and got thrown out. Not trying to be a smart ass or anything, I just need to know if I will really have a issue from someone that knows these boats. From what I can tell it is smooth as silk. My Baja outlaw 25 at 65 mph chine walks and feels WAY more dangerous than this boat.

19' Sunkisst tunnel any issues over 100 mph? 480 lb hull

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