Liberal Jouurnalism is the fueling gasoline and holding the match!

mardi 23 décembre 2014

As if deteriorating race relations needed any assistance to escalate, the liberal's so-called "news outlets" continue to irresponsibly mislead their readers/viewers by either fabricating news or simply not reporting all of the truth and facts. One example was 3 days after Ferguson and the CBS Evening News was reporting on the incident. In their 5 minutes of so-called new coverage, they never once mentioned that Michael Brown has just robbed a convenient store before being killed!

Most recently, a Baltimore TV station admits editing the chants by protestors from; “We won’t stop. We can’t stop ‘til killer cops are in cell blocks” to the repeated chants of "Kill a Cop". Granted, both chants are sickening and concerning, but IMO the real chant is not as offensive as the fabricated "Kill a Cop".

So what is worse, the restless race based mobs who survive on the fruits of the government that despise, or the despicable liberal news outlets who exploit these mobs by fabricating lies which escalate these horrendous acts against our society. So which is worse, the race based mobs who are derived of ignorant people who can be "spooked and stampeded like cattle", and the college educated pseudo journalist who use their education and talents to seek out and destroy their political opposition at any and all cost? IMO this Baltimore POS news anchor should be arrested as an accomplice to murder and the FCC should suspend their license.

Liberal's, just in case you ever wondered, this is just one of the reasons why Conservatives have no respect for you or your kind. Liberals tend to live in the world of "ME" and Conservatives live in the world of "WE" in "We the People" :hmmm:

Liberal Jouurnalism is the fueling gasoline and holding the match!

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