Reflection of 2014

mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Reflection of 2014



The boating Bekemeyer family has enjoyed a good year and looking back we feel very blessed. We started out a year ago wanting to create a website to encourage and inform fellow boaters and we’ve kept our commitment and blogged fifty-two weeks through the year. Yeah for reaching our goal! We’ve heard back that our posts have been helpful and enjoyable to a lot of followers and we’re happy to have helped.

We’ve enjoyed the time spent as a family and the memories that were made on our beautiful lakes of central Florida. New ventures were taken by us as we co-sponsored our first boating event with our Back to School Poker Run. We gained a lot of knowledge and hope to do an even better job this year and bless another local school with much needed supplies. It was my first year attending and supporting the Toys for Tots Tour but hopefully not my last, no more boys only weekend Momma’s on board now.

As we get our new Suburban all fixed up for towing us to new destinations we can’t wait to venture out to explore new spots and report back. There are lots to come from Adventure in Boating we’re only getting started and the future looks bright. Change is in the works and we can hardly contain our excitement.

As you reflect on this past year we hope your look forward to your next adventure in boating too. Happy days with sunshine and sprays ahead!

Reflection of 2014

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