Great Example of Pure Liberal Class

mercredi 15 octobre 2014



As Texas Governor Rick Perry dined in the Dallas area on Thursday, a constituent approached him and asked if she could have her picture taken with him. Being the good sport that he is, Rick Perry agreed. Little did he know the woman had an ulterior motive for her picture.


The woman has been identified as Amanda by The site describes itself as ‘the world’s most dangerous beauty salon’ that is actually a professional political organization. The admin of the site identifies herself as Susan DuQuesnay Bankston and, according to Bankston, she knows Amanda personally.

Amanda sent this picture to and claims that it was fueled by sangria. Of course, the uncouth, ill-mannered Left are cheering this photo because of what Amanda did unbeknownst to Gov. Perry.

F*cking piece of shit!!! Now what if a conservative (we all know conservatives have too much class to do such a thing) was to do something like this to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo? The fallout would be deafening!!! :yes:

Great Example of Pure Liberal Class

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