Revisiting our first love.

mardi 14 octobre 2014

Revisiting our first love.



This week we revisited our first love. Normally once you move on from your first love it’s not a good idea to go back but in this case we’re talking about our first boating place. When we got our first boat we really knew nothing about the local lakes so as a family with a baby and a young special needs child we stuck close to home and with the family. We headed almost weekly to the Clermont chain of lakes it was close to home and had a few restaurants and a nice trek through Lake Minneola, Emerald Lake, Lake Minnehaha, and Lake Susan, through the Crooked River then finally Lake Louisa. Lake Louisa had a beautiful sandy beach full of swimmers and boats we would beach and swim around it was a great boating playground.

Then things changed around eight years ago the water levels dropped and for a short while you couldn’t even use the boat ramp in Clermont on Lake Minneola because the water was below the ramp. When it finally came up a little the canals that connected to the adjoining lakes were too low and you risked damage to your outdrive trying to pass through.

From time to time we’d check out the ramp and water levels venture up to the canal but word was you couldn’t pass all the way through. That’s what forced us to venture out and find new boating destinations and when asking around other boaters we found a good majority only boated the lakes closest to their homes and that’s why we started a website.

Recently while chatting with a fellow boater he said the levels were up on the Clermont chains and you could go all the way to Lake Louisa again so this Sunday we gave it a try. It was a beautiful day the sky was so blue while a bit hot the trip was pleasant. It had been eight years since we had made the trek all the way through the whole chain. The lakes were as beautiful as ever the canals were a bit narrower and full of vegetation. As we made our way through Lake Susan we saw the Lake Susan Lodge a once popular destination for fisherman and diners was in disrepair. I guess the lack of boat traffic did her in. Passing through the Crooked River there was beautiful natural untouched nature all around but a bit tough to navigate especially when two boats were trying to pass. There was a little boat traffic most also saying they hadn’t been in years. When we did reach Lake Louisa Park the beach was deserted with only two swimmers and one pontoon boat.

We had such fond memories on this chain of lakes it was good to revisit her again. We will go back and enjoy some nice autumn floats in the sun. If you’ve never checked out this chain you should give it a try while the water levels are up. Some things to keep in mind the trip from Lake Minneola to Lake Louisa takes an average of an hour each way and include tight maneuvering through some of the canals and defiantly the Crooked River. So if you’re a newbie at steering the boat, uncomfortable with little to no boat traffic, anxious with tight turns it might be best to go with a buddy, two boats together.

This is the perfect time of year to check these lakes out as the temps dip and the long ride will be cooler.

For your next adventure in boating check out an oldie but a goodie while you can the Clermont chain of lakes.

Revisiting our first love.

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