What you may not know about Koch industries . . .

lundi 6 octobre 2014

Everyone knows who this one is for.

Forever bashing those awful Koch brothers. Enjoy.

* Koch Industries employs about 100,000 globally (60,000 in the US alone).

* Koch Companies support more than 200,000 US jobs and “about $11.8 billion in compensation and benefits.”

* Of Koch Companies’ 60,000 US employees, approximately one-third are unionized.

* Koch Industries and the Charles Koch Foundation’s partnership with the United Negro College Fund has resulted in a “$25 million grant that will provide nearly 3,000 merit-based awards to African American undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctorate students seeking scholarship assistance.”

* Globally, Koch companies “have earned 917 awards for safety, environmental excellence, community stewardship, innovation, and customer service.”

* Koch Industries has sponsored the Special Olympics in Wichita, Kansas for the past 33 years.

* “Through the Helping Heroes initiative, Koch companies have contributed nearly $230,000 to emergency response organizations in communities where they operate since 2011.” Koch’s Georgia- Pacific Bucket Brigade TM program, “has contributed more than $1 million to fire units in communities where the company operates to meet critical needs, as well as provide educational materials to schools.”

* Through the David H. Koch Charitable Foundation, Koch has contributed or pledged “more than $1.2 billion to cancer research, medical centers, educational institutions, arts and cultural institutions, and to assist public policy organizations.”

* David Koch’s charitable foundation also provided $100 million to New York Presbyterian Hospital to build a new ambulatory care center, as well as $28 million to research causes.

* Yet another major Koch grant contributed $100 million to research cancer at MIT.

* Flint Hill Industries (a Koch company) earned a Clean Air Award from the Environmental Protection Agency.

These are only but a few of the good deeds carried out by the Kochs and their companies, and the list of charitable works keeps going.

What you may not know about Koch industries . . .

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