Could use many prayers...

lundi 1 décembre 2014

I posted this on FB but I know the power of prayer and I know it works...and after losing GN7 we all need to be in the prayer mode...these people are truly great people...and all the friends I have that live or recreate in the Parker for the burro's..

Could use some serious son in laws parents were in a bad jeep rollover in Parker on Saturday...burro's in the road had to make a very quick rolled three times. Four people in the jeep and everybody survived...but Scott, my SIL father is in the trauma center in Vegas and has some issues that I don't want to disclose on FB...These are the nicest people you could ever meet. They retired a couple years ago to Parker and this is a setback they don't need...Again..could use prayers for Scott and Cathy...and family.

Could use many prayers...

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