GN7...Fact vs Opinion...

lundi 8 décembre 2014

Seeing the "GN7 On The Dyno" forum name reminded me of a thread...... Back in early 2009, I was fairly new to this forum and had bumped heads with Bob on a couple subjects. Being somewhat of a wise ass, I started a thread about Fact vs. Opinion intending it to be satire. As with a lot of satire, it was lost on some, others took offense and though it ended up in the Graywater forum, Bob thought it was pretty funny. As I reflect on knowing Bob, the more it cracked me up so I'm reposting it as a tribute to how a lot of us viewed Bob..... Hopefully everyone understands it's SATIRE and was always out of respect (even if he pissed me off :wink2:) Again, Godspeed Bob, you'll not be replaced around here anytime soon

The original post:

You likely have wandered into this forum seeking the free exchange of technical ideas related to building horsepower. Friends, you can find that pedestrian chatter anywhere, this forum is so much more. You see, this forum is unofficially moderated by the great GN7and his associates, referred to as “gurus”( not to be confused with JetBoatGuru… he don’t do tech).

GN7 has made it his personal mission to make sure every statement posted in this forum is accurate and correct. Understand that GN7 IS the Chuck Norris of tech, a true technical badass throwing a spinning side kick to the face of EVERY inaccuracy he encounters (which is essentially anything he or one of the gurus didn’t post). The guru's know far less than he (like everyone else), however they agree implicitly with everything he says and know the gospel of GN7, so he allows them to hang around.

DO NOT allow an advanced degree to delude yourself into believing you are GN7’s peer. GN7 wipes his ass with the Marks Engineering Handbook and the book learns from the experience. GN7 once counted to infinity…… twice. You may have legions of race winning engine builds under your belt. Those accomplishments are hollow in the face of the experience GN7 brings to our humble forums. The Laws of Physics consults him as to what works….

You may post a question and GN7, or one of his gurus, may answer it. More likely though, they will use is as an opportunity to discuss pretty much anything they find more interesting (which will likely NOT be the answer to your question). To the casual observer, it may look like they are simply displaying their superior knowledge of… well everything. It’s your job to try to learn from this discussion. This prospect is unlikely, but you must try.

DO NOT EVER disagree with GN7. If you make this mistake, be prepared to suffer a verbal spinning sidekick to your face. Should this happen, do not despair, but embrace it. Having GN7 publicly diss you somewhat validates you, if only as a fundamental life form. This event should actually be celebrated. I’m going to have my many verbal thrashings immortalized on a T-shirt (I learn kinda slow and did not have the benefit of the information I’m passing on to you).

Remember, GN7 and his gurus have the FACTS… you have only opinions (one of the pearls of wisdom I’m having silkscreened on my “GN7 Diss’ed me” T shirt). Alternative viewpoints will not be tolerated; they can’t be because they are wrong. The sooner you learn this, the better off you’ll be. :):rolleyes:

GN7...Fact vs Opinion...

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