Hangin Out on Haines Creek

mercredi 3 décembre 2014

Hangin Out on Haines Creek



This weekend we ventured out to a new place a restaurant we heard about from some fellow boaters we met along Lake Eustis. They told us about a restaurant off Haines Creek called Gator Bay. Haines Creek is located off the North west corner of Lake Eustis if you follow it will lead you north up to Lake Griffin. Haines Creek is a festival of wild life we saw tons of birds, turtles and of course gators. It’s not a place to swim, tube or ski but it is a nice ride through the natural beauty of Florida. There are a few homes and manufactured home parks along the banks. The ride up to Gator Bay is half idle speed and the rest safe running speed.

The ride up to the restaurant took about an hour so it’s a nice three hour afternoon outing including lunch. I’d say you travel up Haines creek from Lake Eustis about five miles. We put in at Lake Dora so that put us at a three hour trip so if you put in at Lake Eustis you’d shave about an hour off that time. When you reach the first Lock on Haines Creek you pass through and then just before the bridge at highway 44 you bare to the right and there it is the marina and Gator Bay Bar and Grill. Something to note, the lock closes at five this time of year so if you don’t want to spend the night at Gator Bay plan your trip in the early afternoon. There’s not too much dock access about four vacant slips and the dock is high and aged but we managed, there was a live band playing some classic rock and the eating was outdoors. There is a small screened in area but the bar and eating is under an awning cover and some picnic tables. The crowd ranged from bikers, older folks and a few diehard mullet wearing fans. We had a chat with a few folks and it was a nice crowd and the service was fast and friendly. The food was pretty good. We had our ten year old son in tow he’s an easy going kid and can travel along anywhere but I’d have to say it’s not really a kid hangout. Nothing offensive happening but this is more of a place for adults to hang out and enjoy their Sunday afternoon with adult beverages.

So if you’d like to enjoy a nice boat ride through nature, eating outside and some classic rock Gator Bay is great little find on the creek.

I hope your next adventure in boating finds you enjoying your Sunday afternoon relaxing at your favorite spot on the water.

Hangin Out on Haines Creek

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