White House urges body cameras for police after Ferguson

lundi 1 décembre 2014

The White House is pushing a multi-million-dollar program to encourage local law enforcement agencies to use body cameras, on the heels of the police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.

White House urges body cameras for police after Ferguson | Fox News

This comes as no surprise as it is painfully obvious that our POTUS has no respect for the laws of our land and as evidenced by his actions, his oath to uphold and enforce the laws of our land are meaningless to Obama as well.....this is simply how Obama is wired! Therefore, it is easy to understand why Obama feels others can not be trusted no more than himself!

Ok, let us think of some of the messages society will be sending to our brave men and women in law enforcement:

1. You are lairs.

2. You are not trusted to report your findings

3. You are not competent enough to fulfill your duties without being watched.

4. You are not allowed any privacy while on the job.

5. We do not care what you say

6. Your word is no good!

7. Your judgement will always be "examined" by bureaucrats

8. You are on trail 24/7

9. (fill in the blanks on your own......)

Can you try to imagine what will happen to the quality of our law enforcement personnel? I for one believe Obama is the one who needs to be wearing a camera :yes:

White House urges body cameras for police after Ferguson

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