Ebola, coming to a town near you?

jeudi 2 octobre 2014

So our first case goes to the hospital and is sent home with antibiotics ( no impact on a viral infection) only to come back several days later to cause the current situation. The party line has been that our medical system is way too sophisticated to allow an epidemic here, yet the first known infection is a screw up just days after the hospital had a seminar on what to do with Ebola. Then this morning there is a second person in quarantine in Hawaii. Don't worry there is treatment available but only for a hundred or so but we can have a supply for thousands in about a year. Does anyone know if there can be an interaction with the Enterovirus that is getting to epidemic proportions among the young population? A virus does has the ability to mutate. If there is more to all this would you even begin to trust the system to inform the public? When the reality has been that Ebola is most terrible thing to come down the pike in Africa but not to worry about it here, common sense begs you to wonder about the what-ifs.

Ebola, coming to a town near you?

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