LODBRS Lake Havasu

mardi 14 octobre 2014

The snake oil flows again. The water was calm and the wind didn't hit until late Sunday afternoon.

It was nice to see some racing at Havasu. We didn't bring a boat this time because the cost is too great to just watch the wind blow.

We were told by Lucas to bring all wrist bans from last years race and they would honor them for admission to this race. Well, 3 of us and alot of other people, who knows how many, had to pay again. It's not the 20 bucks that bothered me, It was the chicken sh*t way of passing the buck. Last year we didn't see any racing on Sunday. They Shut it down about 9:00 AM. 15 mins after we went in. There were alot of spectators that upset of no refunds. They anounced several times to bring the wrist bans next year and enjoy the racing. NOT!

Should we believe what it says on those snake oil bottles they sell ?? Or is that just a chicken sh*t way to get more of our money.

See you at the world finals

LODBRS Lake Havasu

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