Great Day on the Lake

mardi 23 septembre 2014

Great Day on the Lake



What a great day of boating we enjoyed this Sunday the skies were beautiful and the air had just a tad less humidity the lake was glistening and smooth as glass. Most of the time we like to tell you about places to go, tips on products or safety today I want to share the “family” part of our family boating website.

We have a son Joe I would say he’s our little guy but he’s not so little anymore he turns ten in a few weeks and he’s not so little he stands five foot tall and has a three digit weight. He’s a good looking kid with a heart of gold and like his dad he loves boating. He’s been boating since he was seven months old when we bought our first boat. We don’t take big vacations often, go to theme parks every weekend in fact he’s only been to Disney once but we boat almost weekly. We believe the time we spend as family together seeing Florida in all its beauty, exposing him to new places and nature and just spending time with him is worth a million. We don’t own a gaming system and he doesn’t lock himself up in his room he prefers to spend time with us and we’re gonna make it last as long as we can. He’s had experiences seen and learned thing that not many nine year olds have a manatee six inches away, beautiful springs and rivers and how to band together and ride out a storm literally and come out on the other side victorious.

Today his daddy started teaching him to drive the boat. His dad stood right next to him guiding him left or right, how to drive straight through the wake and to look out for other boats. It was precious the pride he felt learning something new guided by his dad he’ll never forget it. Before you get worried we practiced the utmost safety using the empty side of the lake clear of boaters. The point is time goes fast make the most of the time you have with your kids and find something you all love to do and do it. We hope you’ll choose boating.

Make your next adventure in boating a memorable one.

Â*Adventure in Boating. - Boating Blogs

Great Day on the Lake

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