My belated introduction

mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Hello, I was the typical lurker, read stuff here and there. Then I became a member for some reason I can't remember. I saw a few people getting "the business" on here because they introduce themselves. I wasn't sure what to write. In my opinion, I am not good at those sorts of things. Then I started commenting here and there with a couple questions. In 2011 or so I found a boat my Dad built over the winter of 70/71 and sold to a guy in April of 1974. And that guy still had it. I knocked on the door and introduced myself. They remembered me. We talked for some time and I told the couple that if they ever decided to sell, to please keep me in mind. He invited me to come out for a ride. Well, they both had a rough year and became ill. Well now they are doing better, but not 100%, so the opportunity came up for me to buy it, 40 years later. So now that I picked it up last Friday, I have a variety of questions I will be asking and felt I would post some background.

I grew up on a small inland lake in Michigan and around boats. Luckily, almost all V-Driven. Mom & Dad were building a rosewood deck Kindsvater while I was incubating in 1966. Dad worked on and built boats in our garage at home as side work. Aside from customers, my Dad built 3 flatbottoms for himself and 2 daycruisers that I can remember. I was able to do a little bit of travel IF Mom & Dad were willing to cart me along to the drag boat races. I remember going to a race where I rode on the plastic center console of a 68 ElCamino to Virginia and back. I didn't care, I loved it. My parents were part of the people who helped get the races going in Columbiaville Michigan in 1973. Then in 1973, Dad felt too many friends were getting hurt and he didn't want to be one of them. So he sold his last race boat. (the one I just bought). With the last daycruiser we started to travel. We went to Lake Powell, Parker, Havasu, Flathead Lake, (From Michigan, is that almost Idaho?) Yellowstone Lake, Jackson Lake and Dale Hollow Reservoir that I can remember. As well as multiple lakes around Michigan, mostly northern lower peninsula. Those trips were from 1977 through 1983 as my Dad passed in 1984. I Drifted over into drag cars (I helped a few friends etc, but never had my own), but still kept in touch with boats, waterskiing etc. Got married to a great wife in 2003. Started a family with a daughter in January & a son in December of 2008. Bought a 2009 pontoon in 2010. Just recently bought back a flatbottom my Dad built in 1970, raced 1971 - 1973. And sold in April of 1974 to the family I just bought it from. My Mom now lives in my Grandparents house on Wolverine Lake, so we mostly boat there these days. Funny side note to the traveling story. Mom and Dad were always going to Long beach, and went to Bakersfield once. Plus lots of trips picking up boats in California. So I always wanted to go to California. We were in Arizona, I think visiting a friend in Kingman. Anyways we were driving south and were in Needles. I said something to my Dad about California. So he drove across the bridge and stopped about 100 yards into California and told me to get out of the car. I did. Then he said get back in and he was going to make a U-turn back to Arizona. I said that wasn't much different than what Arizona looked like. So he drove another mile or two up the road and made me get out again. Then he said now you can say you've been to California and he went back to Arizona. I miss him!

I hope this qualifies as somewhat of an introduction and satisfies my requirements.


My belated introduction

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