Thanks NJBA!!!

lundi 29 septembre 2014

First off I would like to send my thoughts and prayers to Joe and his family.. I personally don't know Joe but I have good friends close to him.. I pray for a full recovery and hope to see you back at soon..

Second I have to say thanks to NJBA, Mike D, Josh P, Shelfo and the rest of guys that put this race on along with the guys that donated to the prize money!!! You guys did a great job and as always you guys put on a great show!!! We struggled pretty bad but still had a great time!!!! I wish I lived closer, we would be there more often for sure!!!!

3rd I need to think my oldman for giving me the oppoortunity to drive his boat.. That thing is the true reason why I love driving flats!!! What a piece of art!!! We had a HUGE stumble all weekend and with that and starting it back up in gear we still managed to run 4.43 to the 660'.. They didn't give us a 1000' number on our safety pass.. I have to say thanks to my crew, Richard, Brian, Steph, Jerry and Zach.. Without you guys this wouldn't had been possible.. Thanks D-21 for giving us a leak free boat as usual!!!

Lastly I need to say thanks to Joey and Ron Grose for always being able and willing to give us a hand along with attempting to loan us a battery for 1st round against Tony (thanks for waiting!!).. You guys are a class act!!!! Thanks to Rick Box and Thurston (I believe) for attempting to help us with battery issues!!! I would also like to thank the team that basically, with not so many words, told my crew member to F off.. Thanks for the help there boss!!!!

Congrats to all the winners!!! The 6.0 class was bad ass with I believe 20+ or so boats!!!! Can't wait to come back to Ming!!!!

Thanks NJBA!!!

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