Blower bench racing

mardi 17 mars 2015

After a "bench racing" / "trying to solve the worlds HP issues" session with a buddy the other day we ran into a question we couldn't answer. And its been driving me crazy so I have to ask the experts.

Sure it takes HP to turn a roots blower. But, what about turning the blower takes HP ? Is it just turning its mass to a given RPM, or does its HP drain increase with boost ? Or both ?

Example #1.

If an 871 is driven 1 to 1 and makes 15lbs of boost on one engine and on another engine still driven 1 to 1 it only makes 5lbs of boost. Is it taking the same amount of HP to turn the blower on both engines ?

Example #2

Two 871 blowers, one basic un stripped blower, and one super ultimate multi stripped tight clearance blower. Basic blower driven so its making 15lbs of boost. Super blower driven slower to build the same boost on the same engine. Are both blowers taking the same HP at the blower snout to turn because there building the same boost ? Or is the super blower taking less HP at the snout because its turning slower ? Not talking about at the crank here, I realize turning the super blower slower would free up some crank HP, talking about at the blower snout.

Blower bench racing

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