Dysfunctional Senate...

mercredi 4 mars 2015

Dysfunctional Senate, really pisses me off....

NO, not the lying libtards, although that is a huge issue that needs to be addressed...

NO, not the RINOs that, once elected, forget all about what they promised the voters..

And THIS time I won't even hammer on senile Harry...

What really pisses me off is the way the Senate votes. "Roll Call" votes right out of the 1800s...

The House, with their 435 or so members, can have a vote in 5 minutes by every member pushing an electronic button... The 100 or less member Senate can't seem to get a vote done in 30 minutes..

WHY can't the Senate bring their methods out of the stone age?? Hell, they call a vote and there's no one there. The "Roll caller" starts through the members alphabetically and maybe gets 5-10 members saying yes or no on an issue/bill. Then stating at "A" she starts again, this time maybe getting 5 or 10 more... And so it goes for a 1/2 hour... Then as those that haven't voted yet meander into the chamber she has to call their name to get their vote... It's total BULLSHIT...

1st, assholes, install "electronic" devices in the Senate chamber.

2nd, The MAJORITY leader, in today's case a Repub, announces that there will be a vote at, say, 1:15 PM...

At 1:10 PM the doors will be locked, no one in, no one out.

3rd, the Senate bills will be decided by a "simple", or in some cases, a "super Majority" like it is now, EXCEPT the 50%+1, or 2/3rds majorities will be figured against those that actually showed up to vote on time... So if only 80 members are present before the doors are locked it would only take 40+1 to pass...

Watching these morons on C SPAN makes me wonder how these dumb shits can even tie their shoes...

The Senate needs a MAJOR shake up of HOW things are done. This IS NOT an attack on either party, but an opening salvo of contempt as to their stone age methods....

Sorry for the rant kids...


Dysfunctional Senate...

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