My hydro build/mess

dimanche 1 mars 2015

So I've posted a bit but never really explained how I got here. After several fast (not really but for where I boat they were) jet boats over the years, I spent a couple without a "water camaro" as I call them and decided that I wanted something similar to what my dad was involved with when I was younger. Mouzer on here advertised something similar to what I wanted and I bought it. After a Jan. 2nd crash on my sled I've been a bit sidelined on the project but today was the turning point. Got a few guys over, got it on a cart, and am ready to start on stripping the 14 layers of paint and primer off this shit box. I've got lots of questions so bare with me as we go through this.

Goal.... June 1st on the water

As it looked the day it was dropped off

As it looks now.

Paint on paint on paint

One stringer looks facked to me. I'm going to investigate a bit farther but I'm not hopeful.

My hydro build/mess

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