Valerie Jarrett Leaked Hillary’s Private Email Use

lundi 16 mars 2015

Vengeful Obama confidante Valeria Jarrett went through back channels to leak Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server to the press, an explosive new report reveals. The New York Post‘s Edward Klein reports that a source familiar with Bill Clinton said that the former president told him: “The Obamas are out to get us any way they can.”

NY Post: Valerie Jarrett Behind Hillary Email Leaks

It was pretty obvious that Obama has no love for the Democratic party (or for any lib that's not in his pocket and they are just foot soldiers to sacrifice for the cause) after the last election cycle where he was asked just to lay low for a few weeks until after the election. Did he do it? Not even a little bit. For that matter I think he went out of the way to make things worse. Now you are starting to see some of the bondo filled cracks show through the paint.

Valerie Jarrett Leaked Hillary’s Private Email Use

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